- 【#大雪】宮崎市の降雪は無くなったの.いい天気になったべ 【2025年01月12日(日)】
- 宮崎,-2℃とか,寒すぎワロタ(25/1/11) 【2025年01月11日(土)】
- 【#大雪】大雪と暴風雪及び高波に関する全般気象情報 第2号(25/1/8) 【2025年01月08日(水)】
- 【#大雪】北・東日本の日本海側など大雪 雪崩注意 除雪作業は2人以上で(24/12/25) 【2024年12月25日(水)】
- ついに宮崎市も氷点下気温キター(24/12/23) 【2024年12月23日(月)】
Coldest winter in 1,000 years on its way
After the record heat wave this summer, Russia’s weather seems to have acquired a taste for the extreme. Forecasters say this winter could be the coldest Europe has seen in the last 1,000 years. The change is reportedly connected with the speed of the Gulf Stream, which has shrunk in half in just the last couple of years. Polish scientists say that it means the stream will not be able to compensate for the cold from the Arctic winds. According to them, when the stream is completely stopped, a new Ice Age will begin in Europe. So far, the results have been lower temperatures: for example, in Central Russia, they are a couple of degrees below the norm. “Although the forecast for the next month is only 70 percent accurate, I find the cold winter scenario quite likely,” Vadim Zavodchenkov, a leading specialist at the Fobos weather center, told RT. “We will be able to judge with more certainty come November. As for last summer’s heat, the statistical models that meteorologists use to draw up long-term forecasts aren’t able to predict an anomaly like that.” In order to meet the harsh winter head on, Moscow authorities are drawing up measures to help Muscovites survive the extreme cold. Most of all, the government is concerned with homeless people who risk freezing to death if the forecast of the meteorologists come true. Social services and police are being ordered to take the situation under control even if they have to force the homeless to take help. Moscow authorities have also started checking air conditioning systems in all socially important buildings. All the conditioners are being carefully cleaned from the remains of summer smog. |
prisonplanet.com |
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