- 【地球終了のお知らせ】新発見の小惑星、地球衝突の可能性が「2.2%」に上昇 欧州宇宙機関(25/2/8) 【2025年02月08日(土)】
- 【人類滅亡】2032年12月22日に“1.2%の確率”で地球に衝突する小惑星 ESAなどが発表 【2025年01月31日(金)】
- 【恵方巻】ことしの「節分」は2月2日 暦がずれる影響で(25/1/26) 【2025年01月26日(日)】
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- 【#地球終了のお知らせ】習近平さんが,アヤシイ...ドロドロドロ 【2024年07月18日(木)】
New E.coli is mutant superbug
GERMAN doctors are making urgent appeals for blood donations as the E.coli bug crisis that has killed 17 people is deemed the deadliest outbreak of the bacteria on record. The rare strain is causing kidney failure in unprecedented numbers, health officials have revealed. US experts made the alarming announcement after scientists revealed yesterday it was a mutant strain more lethal than any found before. Seven people in the UK have been stricken by the bacteria but scientists insist there is no cause for panic. In Germany, doctors are having to perform blood transfusions in the most severe cases. Lutz Schmidt, medical chief of the Hamburg blood donation service, said today: “We need blood, plasma too. The stocks need to be replenished.” More than 1,800 people in 12 countries have now been hit by the virulent new superbug – which started in Germany. About 180 new cases have been confirmed there in the past 24 hours. The number of reported cases is based on hospital records so could be many times higher. Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, said the actual number of infections may be 10 or more times higher. Four of the UK cases are Germans staying here. The others are Brits who recently returned from Germany. A Health Protection Agency spokesman said last night that all seven cases were “severe”. It is not known if the patients are being treated in hospital or at home. But three of the victims are thought to be suffering from one of the worst complications of E.coli infection – a blood disorder which can lead to kidney failure and affect the nervous system. Hilde Kruse, a food safety expert at the World Health Organisation, said: “This is a unique strain never isolated from patients before. It has various characteristics that make it more virulent and toxin-producing.” |
The Sun |
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