- 【#H7N9】「H7N9」型のワクチンに順次切り替え 【2018年11月03日(土)】
- 「ネコインフルエンザ」人にも感染の可能性 【2017年12月29日(金)】
- 【#H7N9】鳥インフル蔓延で100年に一度のパンデミック危機 【2017年11月10日(金)】
- 【H7N9】鳥インフルエンザ、哺乳類間で飛沫感染 パンデミックの可能性 【2017年10月21日(土)】
- 【#新型インフルエンザ】中国 H7N9型鳥インフル 新たに304人感染(17/2/21) 【2017年02月21日(火)】
Novel bird flu kills two in China
(前略) Flu virus have eight genes, including two that carry codes for the haemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N) proteins that stud the surface of the virus, and six that code for internal proteins. Analyses so far suggest that in the new human cases, the genes coding for the internal proteins appear to come from H9N2 viruses — a class that is endemic in birds, including poultry, in Asia and elsewhere. More specifically, the sequences appear similar to recent H9N2 viruses found in China and South Korea. The gene for the N protein, says Tashiro, appears similar to avian H11N9 viruses that were found in the South Korea in 2011; in Hongze, Jiangsu, in 2010; and the Czech Republic in 2005. The gene for the H protein — especially critical, because this protein allows the virus to bind to host cells — seems to belong to a Eurasian group of H7 avian flu viruses. The new virus, in other words, seems to stem from reassortment of three virus strains that purely infect birds — in contrast with the 2009 H1N1 pandemic virus, which was a mix of viruses that infect birds, pig and humans. Most of the genetic analyses are still being carried out confidentially within WHO’s global flu research networks. But some researchers, such as a team at the University of Edinburgh, have also started posting their preliminary analyses online. (以下略) |
Nature |
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