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Artificial Event Horizon Emits Laboratory Analogue to Theoretical Black Hole Radiation
A laboratory experiment may have offered the first glimpses of a long-predicted quantum effect known as Hawking radiation Stephen Hawking is famous for many things: provocative best-selling books, Simpsons guest stints and his long and productive life with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis among them. In the field of astrophysics, the University of Cambridge physicist is also known for his work on gravity and black holes, including his 1974 postulation of the eponymous Hawking radiation, a phenomenon by which a black hole should give off a stream of particles from its outer boundary. Hawking radiation is predicted to arise from quantum fluctuations at the event horizon of a black hole, the point of no return beyond which even light is too slow to escape. Alongside light waves and regular matter falling into a black hole, Hawking realized, ought to be particles that pop into and out of existence. Quantum mechanics dictates that such short-lived particle pairs arise from even empty space, infusing the vacuum with its own ripples of activity. In most corners of the cosmos, those pairs quickly disappear together back into the vacuum, but at the edge of an event horizon one particle may be captured by the black hole, leaving the other free to escape as radiation. The relatively faint emission has never been detected from a real black hole, so researchers have sought a number of laboratory proxies to demonstrate the general principles of the phenomenon. Now a group of Italian researchers reports what may be the first demonstration of a quantum-mechanical Hawking radiation analogue. In a paper set to be published in Physical Review Letters, the team reports observing photons trickling out from transient event horizons in a piece of glass. (以下略) |
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