- 【地震火山前兆現象】鯨7頭@ユメゴンドウが宮崎市の海岸に打ち上がる(17/6/10) 【2017年06月10日(土)】
- 【地震火山前兆現象?】茨城鉾田市付近でイルカが百数十頭 打ち上げられた模様(15/4/10) 【2015年04月10日(金)】
- マッコウクジラ死骸漂着 川南の海岸(14/4/16) 【2014年04月16日(水)】
- 110頭余のクジラ海岸に ニュージーランド(14/1/24) 【2014年01月24日(金)】
- 大量漂着のクジラ死ぬ、生き残りも安楽死 ニュージーランド(14/1/7) 【2014年01月07日(火)】
Whales die in stranding
A NOTORIOUS Tasmanian whale trap claimed the lives of 16 sperm whales yesterday, leaving another four of the ocean giants struggling for survival overnight. The deaths occurred after 20 whales became stranded at Ocean Beach, near Strahan, on the West Coast, late in the morning. Only four survived despite the rescue efforts of West Coast Parks and Wildlife Service personnel. Late last night, another eight sperm whales were being monitored in nearby Macquarie Harbour. Four of them were stranded on sandbars. Marine experts consider Ocean Beach and Macquarie Harbour to be among Australia’s main hot spots for whale strandings. PWS West Coast parks and reserves manager Chris Arthur said it was not known why so many strandings occurred at the locations. “We don’t know why, but there are several locations in the world where whale strandings occur frequently and Ocean Beach is one of them,” Mr Arthur told the Sunday Tasmanian. Marine mammal specialists from the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment were sent to Ocean Beach to attempt a rescue mission yesterday afternoon, but they were delayed when the sea conditions were deemed too dangerous. (以下略) |
themercury.com.au |
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