XP SP3一般向け提供開始は,4/29から
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Windows XP SP3 Release Dates
With Service Pack 3 for Windows XP just over the horizon, we’ve managed to get our hands on the internal schedule for the release of the highly anticipated update to the aging operating system. As you can see in the list below, most of the stages will occur before the end of the month, though forced automatic updates won’t land until June. This delay should give system administrators an ample amount of time to prepare for the upgrade or simply come up with an excuse for when things go awry. April 14, 2008: Support is available for the release version of Service Pack 3 for Windows XP April 21, 2008: Original Equipment Manufacturers, Volume License, Connect, and MSDN and TechNet subscribers April 29, 2008: Microsoft Update, Windows Update, Download Center June 10, 2008: Automatic Updates |
neowin.net |
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