- デーモン閣下、“早期の癌”を克服 すでに退院「がん検診に行くべし!」 【2024年06月28日(金)】
- 末期がん患者にも効果を発揮! 自己増幅型mRNAを使った増える「がんワクチン」の臨床試験が開始 【2022年08月27日(土)】
- ガンのmRNAワクチン、フェーズ2臨床試験に突入。新型コロナワクチン開発のビオンテック社が実施 【2021年07月03日(土)】
- 「骨肉腫」を無害な脂肪細胞へ変化させる 国立がん研究センターら 【2021年02月08日(月)】
- 少量の酒でもがんリスク5%増 1日ワイン1杯程度でも 【2019年12月14日(土)】
Aspirin ‘cuts cancer risk in half’
Regularly consuming aspirin could cut the risk of developing hereditary cancer in half, a study has suggested. Research at Queen’s University Belfast revealed that regularly consuming aspirin reduced the incidence of hereditary cancer. The research focused on people with Lynch syndrome, which is an inherited genetic disorder that causes cancer by affecting genes responsible for detecting and repairing damage in DNA. According to the researchers, around half of those with Lynch syndrome develop cancer, most commonly in the bowel and womb. The study took into account all cancers related to the syndrome, and found that almost 30 per cent of those not taking aspirin had developed a cancer. This compared to just 15 per cent in the aspirin group who developed a cancer related to the syndrome. Those who had taken the drug still developed the same number of polyps as the other group. Polyps are believed to be the precursors of cancer. These results suggest that aspirin could possibly cause these cells to destruct before they turn cancerous. Professor Patrick Morrison from Queen’s University in Belfast, who led the Northern Ireland part of the study, said that the study results proved that taking aspirin regularly over a prolonged period of time halves the risk of developing heredity cancers. “For those who have a history of hereditary cancers in their family, like bowel and womb cancers, this will be welcome news. Not only does it show we can reduce cancer rates and ultimately deaths, it opens up other avenues for further cancer prevention research,” he said. This follows a study from the Wake Forest Baptise Medical Center which revealed that older patients could benefit from bedside assessments. Scientists developed a simple assessment tool to determine how well older adults with acute myelogenous leukemia can handle their treatment. |
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